
Contact us on 07718535007 or email 

Thank you so much to everyone who took part and made the Awards Day such a brilliant experience. 

The Students were fantastic, and it was a treat to see them dance. 

The winning tickets are:

Green 595

Green 637

Green 728

Green 812

Please contact us if you have those numbers!

We offer classes for all ages, but if you have a child 5 or under who would like to start, we suggest:

Pre-School Dance - Tuesday 4.00-4.30pm. Dance for those aged 3-5.

Pre-Preparatory Ballet - Wednesday 4.00-4.30pm. Ballet for those aged 3-5.

Pre-Preparatory Modern and Tap - Saturday 9-9.30am. Beginners Modern and Tap for students aged 3-7.

Call us for more information, or click here.

Join Us!

We are back for in person classes for students and adults. Everything is managed by pre-booking, please contact us for information.

If you would like to join us, we offer a variety of age groups in ballet, tap, modern, acrobatics, musical theatre and lyrical. Classes for those aged 2 upwards!

If you would like more information please call us on 07718535007 or email 

The Fordingbridge Dance Studios online shop is now open for all your uniform needs! 

We have a new shop or a Facebook site for you to sell your second hand items or see what items FDS stil has in stock.

(Neither sites are run by Fordingbridge Dance Studios, so FDS cannot be held responsible for their content).

If you are not sure what you need, please give us a call.

Silver Swans Online and physical classes

Silver Swans - Gentle Ballet for Adults from the Royal Academy of Dance (@RADathome)

These are classes for the older learner to enjoy the movement of ballet.

We currently offer two classes in person, which are simulcast on Zoom.  

To attend virtually, all you need is a clear floor space (we suggest 3ft square) and a chair or worktop that could work as a barre. These classes are suitable for all levels of knowledge.

Our in person classes are Tuesday and Wednesday at 3.15pm

Please contact us on 07718535007 for more information or email


It is still not too late to join our classes. If you would like to start ballet, tap, modern, acrobatics, lyrical, Greek, adult ballet, adult tap or Silver Swans please feel free to give us a call on 07718535007 or email